Classification: Core Team Event
Safety Code: Green
Corral must be safe distance from spectators and only competing athletes, event judge and timer are permitted inside.
Three (3) pairs of competitors must cut two (2) complete discs each from the cant.
Chain binders, straps or teammates weight (4 allowed - no spare) safely positioned may be used to assist in securing the log. Logs must be securely fastened.
The wood should be 8x8in (20.32x20.32cm) poplar or white pine and be bark free.
The saw horse height to the bottom of the cant must be between 59cm (23in) and 69cm (27in).
The Event Judge must confirm safety rules are being adhered to prior to each team starting the event. The event will not begin if there is missing safety gear.
The blade must be on top of the log prior to the start of the event and must not move prior to the starting signal.
The starting signal is: Timers ready, Competitors ready, 3-2-1-GO.
Starting prior to GO will result in a disqualification.
Teams must make their cuts within 50cm (20in). Allowance for knots will be determined by event judge.
Only COMPETING team member may spray the saw with any type of foreign substance during the event (i.e. WD-40.)
For Safety reasons, the spare may hold an extra saw in case of breakage. If this occurs, the spare must not hand the saw to the team. The team must retrieve it.
A broken or bent saw tooth or a broken or loosened saw handle are considered to be equipment breakage.
Each pair must cut 2 complete cookies from the cant. If a cookie is broken, the pair may continue the cut, as long as they cut completely through the cant. The 2 pieces must be able to be put back together in order to determine if the cut was complete or not. A disc would be complete if a sheer cut is less than 1cm/0.4 in. Shear cuts greater than 1 cm in width in either direction, (not in length) will receive a one (1) second penalty.
A shear cut is a sliver of wood that stays attached to the disc. A sliver of wood that stays attached to the cant is considered a broken disc.
The team is responsible for making sure that they have six (6) complete cookies at the end of the event, and that each pair have done two (2) cookies. If a cookie is incomplete, the pair that broke it, must make the re-cut. The team captain or designate will signal the judge when they have their 6 cookies complete.
Competitors are not permitted to touch the discs until the judge makes their decision. Touching or removing discs results in DQ.
Time will stop when the team signals the judge they have the 6 complete cookies.
The event has a three (3) minute time limit. The event timer shall signal the team, if the team exceeds 3 minutes the result is recorded as a disqualification.
After the team has signaled the event is complete, the event judge will check the cookies and assign penalties if applicable. A Shear cut is assigned a 1 sec penalty per infraction; if the team signals the event is complete, and the judge finds an incomplete cookie, the team result will be recorded as a disqualification.
Classification: Core Team Event
Safety Code: Green
Corral must be safe distance from spectators and only competing athletes, event judge and timer are permitted inside. Any unauthorized team mates crossing the barrier will result in a disqualification.
The course will be 10 meters (33 feet) long and shall terminate at the end by a pair of metal stakes.
The log length must be between 2.5 - 3.35 meters (8.2 - 11.2 ft). The diameter must be between 25.4 - 37 cm (10 - 14 in) for men and 19.8 - 30.8 cm (8 - 12 in) for women.
Each school is required to have a red pine hydro pole for the log deck, which must be de-barked.
The deck must be 45 inches high (+/-3 inches) and have a secure backstop and the ramp must be 3.05 meters (10ft) long. All must be secured properly. If rebuilding, deck needs to be built at 45 inches. The distance between the ramps (outside edge to outside edge), must be 2 feet less than the log length.
Only two (2) peavies/cant hooks can be used by each team and must be handed off to the next pair.
Each competitor must use a peavey / cant hook to roll the log.
Log must be resting in cradles on top of the deck prior to starting the event.
The Event Judge must confirm safety rules are being adhered to prior to each team starting the event. The event will not begin if there is missing safety gear.
The starting signal is: Timers ready, Competitors ready, 3-2-1-GO.
Starting prior to GO will result in a disqualification.
Three (3) pairs of competitors must navigate log from the Deck, down the ramp to the course and then return the log back to the starting position using only peavies/cant hooks.
Log must hit 2 pins at the end of the course, the pins, don’t have to be touched at the same time.
No deliberate body contact with the log is allowed and all efforts must be made to keep the log in motion while on the rails. Competitors may cross haul or bump the log to stay on course keeping in mind no competitive advantage is gained.
The log must not be pulled up the ramp backwards by "dragging" or it will result in disqualification.
If a log leaves the course, it must be returned by the competitors only.
Time will stop when the last pair returns the log to the cradles at the top of the Deck.
The event has a ten (10) minute time limit. If a team exceeds 10 minutes, the event will be stopped and the result will be recorded as a disqualification.
Classification: Core Team Event
Safety Code: Green
Corral must be safe distance from spectators and only competing athletes, event judge and timer are permitted inside.
The throwing pit dimensions will be measured from the inside of the stakes:
6 meters (19.5 feet) with 1.2 meters (4ft) between stakes for Men’s pits.
5 meters (16.5 feet) with 1.2 meters (4ft) between stakes for Women Pits.
Pulp sticks length must be a 1.2 meters (4ft) and be preferably spruce. All sticks should be new at start of day. Two (2) spare sticks should be available if needed.
Pulp sticks should weigh between 12.7 - 17.7 kgs (28-39 lbs) for men and 7.7 - 12.7 kgs (17-28 lbs) for women. Scales should be available to verify weight.
Pulp sticks should be Spruce and should be at least 5 lbs lighter if the event is on a bed of shavings or wood chips.
The teams divide up with three (3) competitors at each end of the pit behind the stakes.
The Event Judge must confirm that CILA safety rules are being adhered to prior to each team starting the event. The event will not begin if there is missing safety gear.
Each competitor will throw four (4) sticks in pre-determined order. Each competitor must throw all sticks.
The starting signal is: Timers ready, Competitors ready, 3-2-1-GO.
Starting prior to GO will result in a disqualification.
A score is counted when any part of a pulp stick lies between the stakes after all sticks thrown have come to rest.
Competitors must be behind the stakes when throwing or receiving the sticks. If your foot breaks the plane, a violation occurs and the throw is discounted.
The pulp sticks may not be picked up until they all come to rest. If this happens, the next 4 thrown will not count.
No practice throws or pulp hooks permitted.
Each stick must be pulled back across the plane before they can be thrown. Any sticks thrown prior will be discounted.
Time will stop when 48 scores are recorded.
The event has a ten (10) minute time limit or it will be recorded as a disqualification.
Classification: Core Team Event
Safety Code: Green
Corral must be safe distance from spectators and only competing athletes, event judge and timer are permitted inside.
One (1) disc per competitor must be cut in this event.
Chain binders, straps or teammates weight (4 allowed- no spare) may be used to assist in securing the log. Logs must be securely fastened.
The wood should be 8 x 8 in (20.32 x 20.32 cm) poplar or white pine and be bark free.
The saw horse height to the bottom of the cant must be between 59cm (23in) and 69cm (27 in).
Teams must make their cuts within 50cm (20in). Allowance for knots will be determined by the event judge.
Only the COMPETING team member may spray the saw with any type of foreign substance during the event. (i.e. WD-40)
For safety reasons, the spare may hold an extra saw in case of breakage. If this occurs, the spare must not hand the saw to the team. The team must retrieve it.
A broken or bent saw tooth or a broken or loosened saw handle is considered to be equipment breakage.
The event will not begin if there is missing safety gear. A full protective tight-fitting glove must be worn on the bottom hand.
The Event Judge must confirm safety rules are being adhered to prior to each team starting the event. The event will not begin if there is missing safety gear.
The blade must be on top of the log prior to the start of the event and must not move prior to the starting signal.
The starting signal is: Timers ready, Competitors ready, 3-2-1-GO.
Starting prior to GO will result in a disqualification.
Each competitor must cut 1 complete cookie from the cant. If a cookie is broken, the competitor may continue the cut, as long as they cut completely through the cant. The 2 pieces must be able to be put back together in order to determine if the cut was complete or not. A disc would be complete if a sheer cut is less than 1cm/0.4 in. Shear cuts greater than 1 cm in width in either direction, (not in length) will receive a one (1) second penalty.
A shear cut is a sliver of wood that stays attached to the disc. A sliver of wood that stays attached to the cant is considered a broken disc.
The team is responsible for making sure that they have six (6) complete cookies at the end of the event, and that each competitor has cut one (1) cookie. If a cookie is incomplete, the competitor that broke it, must make the re-cut. The team captain or designate will signal the judge when they have their 6 cookies complete.
Competitors are not permitted to touch the discs until the judge makes their decision. Touching or removing discs results in DQ.
Time will stop when the team delegate signals the judge they have the 6 complete cookies.
The event has a five (5) minute time limit. The timer will signal to the team if over 5 minutes and the result shall be recorded as a disqualification.
After the team has signal the event is complete, the event judge will check the cookies and assign penalties if applicable. Shear cut 1 sec penalty per infraction, and an incomplete cookie shall be a disqualification.
Classification: Core Team Event
Safety Code: Variable depending on event
CILA members must declare ECHO participants four days following the 3rd competition of the season.
Members must submit head and shoulders pics to the host of the ECHO Challenge by the Friday of the week prior to the final competition.
Events in the Challenge include:
Single buck
Chain saw
Underhand chop
Safety rules must be followed as listed by event in CILA Rules
If an injury occurs before the start of the Challenge – no event has been held, which prevents the original participant from competing, a substitute shall be permitted.
If an injury occurs during one of the three events, and before completion of all three events, and the participant cannot continue for personal and event safety, there will be no substitution allowed.
Echo Challenge winners (1 male and 1 female) shall be awarded a chain saw as provided by ECHO.
Click the links below to explore specific CILA competition events.